It’s been more than a decade since I started writing about my travel experiences including the mishaps I encountered along the way. You see, I do not always have a perfect adventure. There were incidents like losing an important item and money, scary inspection in Bali and that scam in Beijing. But that didn’t stop me from doing what I love doing, traveling! And exploring doesn’t just give me a sense of excitement and fulfillment because it also teaches me a lot about everything. So I tried listing some of the learnings that I would like to share hoping it will also guide you when you take your own journey.

Prioritize your health and safety. While traveling gives us an incomparable happiness most of the time, this should also not affect our health and safety. Get insurance, have someone know your itinerary or who you are going with. It may seem simple and mostly overlooked, but these are very important.
Travel alone. While it is fun traveling with your friends, families or loved ones, I would also like you to try exploring alone. It can be scary at first, but I assure you, it is also exciting and liberating. You’ll never know what you are capable of and it is also an opportunity for you to learn and understand yourself more.
Keep an open mind. There are many instances that you may find a lot of things weird, funny, lame or overrated, but keeping an open mind will take you to a new level where there is an opportunity to learn, discover something unique and meet new people. But dealing with all these scenarios requires a lot of understanding and respect. So take your time and stretch your patience longer. Do not forget to enjoy!
There are things that you cannot control. Even if you think you have planned everything well, sometimes, some things are beyond our control. So instead of worrying too much and wasting more time and energy, try to focus on how you can solve or maybe just let that pass and move on. Always think that there are more exciting things ahead of you than those misfortunes.
Be more appreciative. Be thankful and appreciate every single part of your journey. Remember that not all people are as capable and privileged as you. And if you have the means, try sharing whatever you can. The feeling of sharing for me is one of the most rewarding parts as a human.
Learn to cook. While it is exciting to try local cuisines in restaurants and cafes, sometimes it is also interesting to learn how to prepare and cook it by yourself. Aside from it being a learning experience from you, you can also take that knowledge anywhere you go.
Be financially stable. Life doesn’t stop at the end of your journey. You still have a life that you need to face after it. So make sure you are financially prepared before and after your trip. The best way to do this is to save and prepare for future trips. As much as possible, do not borrow money or loan a huge amount to finance your travel especially if you are not sure how to pay it back.
Stay humble. Perhaps one of the most important things I learn as a travel blogger is to always keep my feet on the ground. It is also important to acknowledge and appreciate and maintain the
communication with the people who became part of your journey especially when you are still starting. Pay it forward and extend your hand to other people who would like to follow your footsteps.